AI: In the Orange County Register, Andy wrote about how the county could go from a laggard to a leader in AI innovation through better public policy.
Online Defamation: Ari wrote a brief for Banks v. Hoffman, making what should be a common sense argument: online speakers shouldn’t face defamation lawsuits for linking to allegedly libelous content, and certainly not for linking to a site that links to the defamatory material.
Jawboning: The Missouri Independent quoted Ari about the censor-happy attorney general of Missouri, Andrew Bailey, who wrote to retailer Target threatening legal action for selling LGBTQ-themed clothing. Ari fired back, noting Bailey’s hypocrisy and calling Target’s choice “emphatically, and unquestionably protected by the First Amendment.”
Berkeley Law: In City Journal, Corbin discussed a disruptive protest during a dinner at the home of Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of UC Berkeley School of Law. The piece was also featured in RealClearPolicy.

The next AI hot spot?
Only if they listen to Andy!