Don’t Let Satellite Licensing Slow Down Commercial Space Development
Plus more state regulations, a Section 230 hearing, FTC and FCC developments, and more
Satellite Applications: Jim filed comments to the FCC on proposed changes to the processing of satellite and earth station applications. He emphasized the importance of working closely with industry to craft entirely new systems for the twenty-first century that meet the needs of the commercial space sector to fight the flight of American companies going overseas for “flag of convenience” licenses.
State Regulation: Corbin’s latest essay in City Journal explained how two recently enacted California bills—A.B. 587 and A.B. 2273—would affect content moderation and reshape the entire Internet. While it’s important to “think of the children,” California’s approach is one of overreaction and centralized control.
Our coalition letter to Utah Governor Spencer Cox expressing First Amendment concerns over two recently passed bills about social media use by minors—S.B. 152 and H.B. 311—was quoted in MediaPost.
Section 230: Yesterday, we joined a diverse group of 38 organizations on a coalition letter defending the value of Section 230 ahead of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on “platform accountability.” Berin live-tweeted the hearing—which only included one witness to defend the law.
State of the Net: At this year’s annual State of the Net Conference, Berin and Ari provided a running commentary of what the panelists got right and wrong on Section 230, net neutrality, data protection, and more.
FTC: Bilal moderated a Federalist Society panel on recent developments at the FTC, including merger enforcement, Commissioner Wilson’s resignation, and more.
Innovation: Today, Berin joined a panel at Broadband Breakfast’s Big Tech & Speech Summit (paywall) on “Innovation, Competition, and Future Tech.”
FCC: After Gigi Sohn withdrew her nomination for FCC Commissioner, Berin broke down the real reasons why her nomination floundered.
Our 2022 comments for the FCC’s nondiscrimination proceeding was referenced by American Action Forum. Berin and Jim submitted more recent comments on the issue last month explaining how to read the statute and how to craft rules.
Upcoming Events: Tonight, Bilal will join the Journal of Business & Technology Law’s Symposium. His panel will consider how tech companies should be regulated—and can be livestreamed at 6pm ET.
On March 29, Bilal will participate in the American Bar Association’s 2023 Antitrust Spring Meeting. His panel will examine consumer protection law, including privacy and data security.
How do you get clean in space?
You take a meteor shower!