Has Net Neutrality Regulation Finally Reached a Dead End?
Plus age-gating, Section 230, and more…
Broadband: In City Journal, Corbin discussed how the FCC’s latest push for Title II (common carrier) regulation of broadband is going out with a whimper. This outcome is fitting, as the cause was flawed both legally and practically from the start.
Mergers: Jim filed comments to the FCC in response to the proposed transaction between T-Mobile and UScellular, warning against relying on the highly criticized DOJ/FTC 2023 Merger Guidelines, and urging the FCC to avoid layering on conditions unrelated to documented harms.
Free Speech: On his Substack, Corbin examined Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton (SCOTUS oral argument: January 15), and explained why even anti-porn conservatives should oppose age-gating adult content online. His essay was recommended by Reason.
USF: In Pirate Wires, Corbin discussed the waste, fraud, and abuse of the FCC’s Universal Service Fund. As he explains, the scheme is also a constitutional monstrosity!
Section 230: On a new Tech Policy Podcast “From the Vault” edition, Corbin re-ups a 2022 talk with Emma Llansó on the history and importance of Section 230.
FTC: Andy’s thread on the FTC's new AI blog post discussed the FTC’s approach to AI regulation through the lens of consumer protection and competition law. It turns out, speculation about human extinction is far beyond the Commission’s immediate concerns.
Antitrust: The Cato Institute quoted Bilal’s 2023 ITIF panel debating the merits and implications of the FTC’s lawsuit against Amazon.
Space: Corbin's essay on the second Space Age, originally published in the Autumn 2023 print issue of City Journal, was highlighted on the publication’s web Spotlight section.
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