Have Spacesuit, Will Podcast
Plus Title II, TikTok, election misinformation, and more…
Podcast: The latest Tech Policy Podcast is all about . . . spacesuits! Ryan Scirocco, of Collins Aerospace, an RTX business, discussed everything that goes into keeping people alive in a freezing zero-gravity vacuum far outside the biosphere.
Title II: Berin explained how the FCC’s draft order on Title II reclassification dodges what has always been the real issue: whether the Supreme Court will allow the FCC, rather than Congress, to decide such a major question.
TikTok: Corbin wrote a handy Substack post that wraps up all of his recent punditry, and his various podcast appearances, on the effort to ban the app.
Misinformation: When does trolling turn into a crime? The Intercept quoted Ari on a prosecution, by way of the Ku Klux Klan Acts, involving the 2016 election—and possible prison time for a false claim about voting by text message. “[T]he government’s interpretation… is awfully broad and poses a lot of First Amendment issues,” he said.
Antitrust: Ari was on a panel at the ABA Antitrust Section Spring Meeting in DC titled “Protecting Kids, Privacy, and Free Speech.” He explained the problems with various federal and state legislative efforts that would violate the First Amendment and make the Internet worse for everyone.

In space, nobody can hear you vote.