Leaders in Space Exploration—or in Regulation?
Plus podcasting on the future of space, Montana’s TikTok ban, and some upcoming events…
Orbital Debris: Jim filed comments with the FAA noting their lack of authority to regulate orbital debris. If it does so anyway, the United States also risks regulating itself out of the space economy while other countries continue to pollute valuable orbital space—and profit from it.
Space Exploration: Corbin was the guest on this week’s episode of City Journal’s 10 Blocks podcast, where he discussed his recent essay on the space industry’s second golden age, the obstacles that could set it back, and why it matters.
Podcast: Last week, we released another Tech Policy Podcast “from the vault.” Corbin reached back to February 2021 for a talk with former CIA analyst Martin Gurri, author of the influential book The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium.
TikTok: The Washington Examiner quoted Ari on the likely demise of Montana’s law prohibiting the platform: “Banning an entire communications platform is an extreme measure, and to do so based on speculative harms cannot be squared with the First Amendment,” he said, echoing the statement he issued earlier.
Upcoming Speaking Events: TechFreedom experts will be speaking at the following events; please see the links for details.
Jan 16: FTC Hearing on Amendments to the Negative Option Rule (Berin)
Jan 19: 2024 Federalist Society Missouri Chapters Conference (Ari)

Sometimes, space junk makes it back to earth. When it does, experts recommend a garage.