TikTok Tug-of-War: Dissecting Contrasting Views
Plus an FTC open meeting, Tech Policy Podcast, and more…
TikTok Ban: In The Bulwark, Corbin wrote about the strange factions and stranger alliances pushing for a ban on the app. He finds “A puzzling mix of overlapping camps are flinging a bewildering array of arguments at each other.” The essay was also mentioned in Reason.
Tech Policy Podcast: On the Tech Policy Podcast, Corbin talked with Daphne Keller of the Stanford Cyber Policy Center about the Supreme Court oral arguments in Murthy v. Missouri, on government jawboning of social media platforms, and the NetChoice cases, on state content moderation laws.
FTC: Berin, Bilal, and Andy spoke at the FTC open meeting; we’ve got a transcript of their remarks, which addressed impersonation through AI (Andy), partisanship and process reform (Berin), and how to apply the Unfair Methods of Competition standard—until it’s replaced by something better (Bilal).
The Competitive Enterprise Institute also quoted Andy’s previous blog opposing the Commission’s proposal to strike the “without unduly burdening legitimate business activity” clause from the FTC’s mission statement.

We also have questions.